Protective, Intelligent, and Eager

A German Shepherd makes a great guard dog because of its physique and agility. With immense muscular strength and stamina, he can prove to be your greatest protector. However, they have more to offer than protection. When trained properly, they can become comfortable in diverse situations and be an important part of your family. A well-trained German Shepherd will only bring joy to his owner. The fact that they can grasp commands quickly and master them in a short time makes them all the more attractive.

Male GSDs and Female GSDs

German Shepherd Female - Calmer and More Attached

The girls are easy to distinguish among boys with their narrower heads, snout, and feminine eyes. Females have a calmer disposition that makes them the perfect fit as a therapy or service dog. They are also more playful than the boys and establish a strong attachment with your entire family instead of playing favorites. Apart from these differences, the girls give equal competition to the guys in terms of strength and intelligence.

Top Shepherd

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